Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Feeling moody lately. I'm hungry for new work and to work in a new way. Really want to expand. Then I came across this recently released short film by Zack Arias on transforming yourself and your art.

Check it out here.

It's absolutely brilliant. A must see for all those pro photogs and wannaBe's. Even if you're not in the business, it's applicable to all those who go thru funk-times and feel the cycle of things daunting. He nails so many feelings and comes up with advice that's fairly universal.

I'm actually in a very good place... great family, interesting work, nice home, 25-year-old Chevette that's still running smooth, and the chance to photograph for people. Why is it we want more when we have so much? Hmmm.

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Dan Ward

My photo
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada